“The audience goes to the theater to see the good performance of good plays, and not the play itself: you can read the play.”
About Us

We are an inclusive, culturally diverse organization that brings together people of varied socio-economic status, races, occupations and interests. Our volunteer database now includes more than 200 people.
Alexander City Theatre II is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 2015 when a group of local residents staged a live theatrical production for the Alexander City Chamber of Commerce weeklong Sun Festival celebration. The group produced Ruth Gordon’s A Very Rich Woman at the Central Alabama Community College auditorium, and overwhelmingly, the audience asked, “When is the next play?”
Since then, ACT II has continued to stage plays in makeshift local venues, building participation with each production. Two years after the small board struggled to cast the first production, 47 community members auditioned for 14 speaking parts in the 2017 production of Rented Christmas by Norman C. Ahern Jr. and Yvonne Ahern.

Rented Christmas
ACT II Board of Directors
Betsy Iler, President
Karen Kison, Vice President
Mary Wood Perry, Treasurer
Scears Barnes
Keith Garrett
Denise Graves
Phyllis Hurst
Rob Iler
Jennifer James
Karen Jennings
Jan M. Jung
John T. Jung
Ella MacFiggen
Steve Thomas
Christale Tuck
Rita L. Barry, Honorary